Friday, April 25, 2008

Another Weekend Away

In a few short hours, I'll be off to Milwaukee to play a feis tomorrow. Without any delays, I'll be back on Sunday afternoon with just enough time to head into Harlem for the Jazz Mass at Ascension with the "Faces of Catholicism" group I run.

It's been hard to keep my blog updated this last week. I'm trying to wrap up a bunch of little projects (most of which are musically related rather than academic) so that I can enter the summer with very few obligations pressing down upon me. 

Today I heard from a young man here at Fordham who learned that he would be entering the Jesuits this Fall. I'm very excited at this news as he's a great guy. I'd mention names but I haven't asked if I can promulgate his great news. 

Before I head off to the airport, let me invite you all to PRAY for those women AND men in discernment for a religious vocation. They are definitely in need of our prayers!

I was typing quickly and just now (4/30) got around to editing my typos. 


jane said...

Yay Jazz mass! I really enjoy that one -- I find it quite moving.

Tom in Vegas said...

Can you elaborate on what a "jazz mass" is about? It's the first time I've even heard of the term.

Yes, we must pray for those discerning.

jane said...

Here is the description of the Jazz mass. I remember going to go check it out, thinking it would either be cheesy or really good, and was pleased that it was good.

Anonymous said...


Alan C. Mitchell said...

The jazz pianist, Mary Lou Williams composed a jazz mass, Mary Lou's Mass, which was performed at Fordham University in the early 70's. Her manager was a Jesuit, Peter O'Brien, SJ. Here is a link to an online exhibit of her life and music:

testsjmg said...

The "Jazz Mass" I get, what still has me scratching my melon is: let me invite you all to invite for those women in men in discernment for a religious vocation.


Karen said...

I'm guessing that you meant "Women AND men."

But I'm not good at keeping up with the trends, so who knows.

testsjmg said...

It's the "invite to invite" part that stumped me. I'll assume Ryan meant he is inviting us to pray for...etc.

Because otherwise, I need to get to the printer's.


Anonymous said...


testsjmg said...

You have a BRIGADE of Carmelites praying for you.

Saw to that myself.


Flute playing priest finds YouTube fame