Karen has tagged me to answer several questions:
1. Male or Female: Male.
2. Married or Single (or religious): I am a religious.
3. Dream Vacation: A road trip with friends across the country.
4. Birthplace: Cleveland, Ohio
5. Area I live in currently: Bronx, New York.
6. Someone you wish you could meet: Jean-Luc Marion.
7. Biggest "Pet-Peeve": Drivers who BLARE their music. I'm usually quite content with my own selection and I resent having to listen to someone else's...particularly
when my windows are rolled up!
8. Favorite Religious Devotion: Rosary.
9. Favorite Saint (Besides the Blessed Mother): St. John of the Cross
10. Favorite Sport that you play: softball. That you watch: sports are on tv?
11. Favorite Food: Bagels and Cream Cheese
12. Tridentine or Novus Ordo: Novus Ordo.
13. Would you home school or public school: Home
14. How many kids do you have: 0.
15. Ever been in an auto accident? Not really - a few scrapes, but nothing major.
16. Ever seen a pope in person? Nope.
17. Languages that you know fluently: Just English. Functional Spanish.
18. Last movie you saw in theaters: Spiderman 3.
19. Next movie you plan on seeing: 28 Weeks Later.
20. Favorite Blog: Mine. And Whispers In the Loggia
21. Your thoughts on Barney, the Easter Bunny, and Santa Clause: I believe that they are graven images and should be destroyed. Honestly, I haven't any thoughts on Barney save for the fact that I found him annoying for many years. The Easter
Bunny is just silly. Santa is a good guy, albeit somewhat misunderstood. I think he should develop a harder edge and start giving out more coal.
Monday, May 14, 2007
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Isn't it disloyal for a Jesuit to site "St. John of the Cross" as their favorite saint? Wouldn't that be like a Packers fan citing Peyton Manning as their favorite quarterback?
Not that I blame you loving St. John of the Cross myself.
Well, I reckon Ignatius HAS to be 1st, so I'll consider the question as asking "were Ignatius never to have been born, who THEN would be your favorite saint?"
Forget Barney. How do you feel about Charlie the Unicorn?
And don't they kick you out of Jesuitdom for only speaking one language?
I know why you don't watch sports on TV. You would have to put down the tin whistle. No?
I dare not speak the name of Ch****e. It is a sacred word, not to be profaned by passage from my lips. I am but called to behold him in his whole splendor, taking joy in his vast plenitude of glory.
I don't watch sports on TV because I don't understand them. Rahner and Levinas make tremendous sense to me...football does not at all.
As for language: I'm going to learn to read German this summer. And next summer I'll shore up my Spanish, so that'll give me a few languages to kick around.
Football is SO much easier than Rahner. Next time I see you, give me a napkin and a ballpoint pen and I will explain it in less than five minutes.
I'm pretty sure you can't make the same claim about Rahner.
Dunno about that, Karen, I've seen some HUGE napkins.
Brush up on that Spanish, Ryan, because they are going to send you somewhere in FL.
I can help you with Spanish. But only if you will watch football.
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