Friday, August 14, 2009

A New Beginning

In just a few minutes, I will leave Villa Marquette here in Omena, Michigan. My three weeks of villa concluded, I head southward to Detroit where I will attend a prayer vigil tonight and then go to Windsor to play a feis tomorrow. I'll leave the feis a bit early, cross the bridge (please God), and attend the First Vows ceremony for three of the novices. Following the reception, I'll drive to Lansing where I'll play another feis and then, on Sunday night, I'll return to my new home in Detroit.

This next week will, I suspect, be pretty busy. I need to do some serious planning for my courses. You know, little things: reading the texts, thinking about assignments, perhaps making a syllabus or three.

I'm most grateful to have had these weeks to rest and relax. I was fairly intentional about not blogging while here...I really wanted to have time to myself without feeling pressured to write about my experiences. I've long looked at this blog as a public journal, a way of sharing my life and experiences with others. Perhaps it's just indicative of being an extrovert: I wear everything on my [digital] sleeve! Hence, it has been refreshing not to feel pressured to write regularly.

I suspect that I'll actually blog rather frequently during my regency. As I strive to shape the hearts and minds of the young men I'll be teaching, there is little question that it will provide me with a great deal of energy that I'll want to expend in and through writing. Again, it's a trait of the extrovert that we find energy in being with people. I reckon this stage of my Jesuit formation will really be of interest to people because it is in the classroom and in the school that questions that all of us face each day will be posed. My blog, I hope, will be an extension of my classroom where I can share with readers the concerns of my students in a way that is both interesting and entertaining.

So stay tuned. I'll be quiet until Monday at least but then....let the fun begin! Please pray for me as I enter into this next stage of formation and please, most of all, pray for my students. They're going to need it!

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