I'll admit it: I'm intrigued by the concept of the day spa. There is a part of me (a very very very small part) that has entertained the thought of spending a day in a bathrobe and having avocado or cucumber or tomato slices (whatever) put over my eyes to reduce the puffiness and then having a hot stone massage, a kelp--mayonnaise-sand body wrap, all while sipping trendy power drinks like guava broccoli twists.
I offer this because I do have a hard time relaxing. I'm not a big one for lounging around, so the idea of a day where to relax I have to show up for a bunch of appoints that will make me relax is seductive.
I face a similar dilemma in my own prayer/spiritual life. I hate to sit still. I pray best when I'm moving, when I'm able to have a LONG conversation with God as I take a walk. Insofar as I live in the Bronx and I find it distracting to talk to God while dodging traffic and side-stepping piles of dog doo, I tend to pray indoors.
Helpful over the years has been the habit of using the rosary to help me to remain quieted. Whenever my mind begins to wander or I grow listless, I knock out a quick decade and I find myself re-focused. I suspect it has got a lot to do with the fact that it involves some physical movement - the beads being counted off - as well as a set number of prayers - 10 HM's and a quick OF.
So imagine my dismay when I broke my rosary today! I really don't know how I managed to do this. I power walk, but I never thought that I power prayed the rosary. I think I can jerry-rig the little wires that split, but I think it's about time to go and invest in a new one. This inexpensive set has lasted me about seven years...I recall having it in Ireland (1999) and I am pretty sure that I had it even before then.
So after I read for a bit, I think I'll walk over to a local religious goods store in order to buy a set. I'm sort of nervous - have you seen the variety that is out there? There are glass, wood, metal, plastic types. Some are in strange shapes - I've seen shamrock, football, and baseball rosaries. Some are blessed by the pope, others have been pressed to the relics of saints I've never heard of.
So indulging my private devotion arouses tremendous anxiety. It's like buying a new car or getting a new pair of glasses. What will the neighbors think? Were someone to see them, would I appear trendy? Pious? Is wood the new pewter? Is black in or out this rosary season?
What about weight requirements? I often keep them in my pocket, so I don't want to lug around a hefty set of beads. But I want to know that they are there, so I don't want a mini-set, either. But then what about the texture of the beads - round, oval, etched with Celtic designs, flat? Scented or unscented?
Sadly, I suspect that I'll have to pray before going out to buy the beads with which I pray. It's really a vicious circle, a never-ending struggle between cosmic forces vying for my soul. One would think I'd need to enter into a long-term discernment, weighing the attractions and repulsions, analyzing where my heart is drawn and where it is turned away, noting how my affect is moved by each option before me.
When I bought my car, my dad came along with me. But he's a staunch Lutheran and doesn't seem to care much for rosaries - as I recall, he thought Rosary was a spice used to flavor pork roasts. I'd ask Grandma Hagan - she's quite the connoiseur and has good taste - but she's in Cleveland.
I think I'll just bring in my broken pair and see if I can't find the same model. Why mess with a good thing?
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I know exactly what you are talking about and finding a new Rosary to replace your old one is difficult. I think I drove my wife crazy spending about a half hour trying out different Rosaries.
I had one break on me after Mass when I was praying the Rosary and all the beads were rolling everywhere on the floor making a lot of noise in a quiet church.
Love the rosary post. I have two sons -- 8 & 9. One made his first communion two years ago, the other makes his this year. I sought the perfect rosary for each. The black wooden one blessed by the pope in Rome? Or the sterling silver one I bought in their great grandparents hometown in Italy? Does the material matter? Are there better girl vs boy rosaries? Or save those until they get older and find something else while they're young? Should it come from me or a godparent? Why not all of the above ... you can never have enough prayer and channels to reach God!
By the way, Ryan, I'm trying to reach you for a story I'm writing for the St. IGnatius alumni mag. I started the story last August and it was postponed until now. Care to chat? Please email me at ferrantep@sbcglobal.net
Thanks. - Paris
You can always go with a twine knotted rosary--they can be quite attractive, and they don't break. I'm not sure such a rosary would have quite the weight you're looking for, though...
This will be all over the place, so forgive me beforehand.
I have two main Rosaries. A ring-type keychain, one-decade dealie where the medal at the top is Divine Mercy, and my main, at-home Rosary which someone made for me when I turned 40, biggish beads made of marble with, semi-coincidentally, the center medal also being Divine Mercy (there is a story attached to Divine Mercy and me). The latter has had structural mishaps to such an extent that I, Mr. Fixit Q. Handyperson, actually had to go and get needlenose pliers to effect repairs.
Now, teaching CCD, I get to go over Rosaries quite frequently, so I know what sort of Rosaries "work" for the younger set. Unequivocally, undeniably, the Rosary to have is the glow-in-the-dark one.
It's compact, lightweight, easy to use AND will allow you to pray with the lights out.
Email me your address and I'll sling one along. It needn't be your "main unit" (though it could be, and think of the wow factor among fellow scholastics and younger priests) but it never hurts. Just remember to get it blessed.
I also have TUBS of other plastic-type ones AND, Sr. Ines, OCD has told me that if you want the Carmelite Sisters (who make it a special deal out of praying for good, faithful priests) will make you one.
Now, if you are bound and determined to spend money, I advocate one of those green marbly kind of Irish ones, which is what all of my sister's Irish inlaws have.
Ryan, I know just what you are going through. I have a favorite Rosary that I have had since I was young, that has broken so many times there are beads missing. I have also sown it together with a needle and thread. But I have two Rosary's that I carry with me always - Grandpa Hagan's (it is missing a few beads - broke right before he died) and Grandpa Kilbanes. They are black and old, and Grandpa Hagans' have roses between the decades, but they are always with me. Rmember - Our Lady does not care what vessel that is used - it is the prayer that is important. The old Irish used to hide their devotion to the Rosary by using their fingers - thus 10 of them. Love Aunt Colleen
As someone who rode the A train through the Bronx and Washington Heights for years I find it the perfect place to pray. Try is sometime and you'll likely find you cannot make such a trip without doing so. Prayers for patience. Prayers for your very survival sometimes.
Nobody's asking but I favor a rosary with some weight to it. It's a good reminder that it's there.
The same thing happened to me. I was driving back to Gainesville from Orlando and was having a hard time staying awake. So I prayed the rosary hoping it would help me to stay awake. I was almost home when my rosary caught on the turn signal lever as I was turning and busted into several pieces. So then I went through all this angst over whether to get it repaired or to replace it. And if I replaced it, what kind to get? Should I upgrade? Should I go with an "unbreakable" rosary as seen on eBay? Then the next Sunday there was a merchant from Bethlehem visiting our parish and selling religious items made of olive wood. His rosaries were inexpensive so I bought one and it's been great.
You can receive a free all-twine knotted Rosary here!
Hand made by Benedictine nuns!
Unbreakable rosaries and repairs to much loved broken rosaries :-)
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